Thinking  outside  the  square ...

I established Kristy Jane (KJ Accounting & Business Solutions) with the view of taking a new approach to accounting focusing on the future and not the past. I offer a knowledgeable personalised service with 15+ years’ experience within the industry and am a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Advisor.

I have specialist knowledge and experience in the agriculture and hospitality industries. I make regular trips to visit my country clients when this is of value to them. My hands on approach with my hospitality clients involves visiting them onsite to assist them with establishing the most efficient and effective practices with which to run their business. 

My client base spans across Australia and encompasses multiple industries including, but not limited to, medical fields, trades, digital & social media, utility services, professional services e.g. financial planning, 3D printing and property development.

If you would like to work with an intelligent approachable professional who has a genuine interest in ensuring your business is the best it can be, please contact me.

Kristy Laslett


Taking a forward thinking approach
these are some of the services offered:

Working with you
from ground up
to build
your business

Rural SA - Succession and Estate planning

Building your business using the correct business structure

Getting you the best tax result with pro-active advice and assurance that your compliance will always be
up to date

  • Tax Compliance – individual and business tax returns, financial statements and business activity statements
  • Tax Planning
  • Technical Advice – Capital Gains Tax, Goods & Services Tax, Land Tax, Stamp Duty, Small Business Concessions
  • Business Restructuring
  • Estate and Succession Planning
  • Budgeting and Cash Flow Forecasting
  • Benchmarking and Management Accounting
  • Business Valuation Services
  • Assistance with Government Grants
  • Software Advice and Support

Annual Budget Update

We have provided an
explanation of the
proposed changes.


You can find
our quarterly
newsletters here.



Suite 606 / 147 Pirie Street  ADELAIDE  SA  5000



Telephone:  0402 421 299

Connect with: Linkedin


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